day 12: 12 days of Twelvty

Twelvty-Twelve: Yellow-Orange

The Gorgeous Golden Glow of Yellow-Orange, Ochres, Ginger, Saffron & Spice


“All that glitters is not gold.”
~ Shakespeare

yellow-orange in the color wheel

All through 2017 I’ve been exploring the subject of color in a year long visual adventure: one color each month. Over the last 12 days of the year I’ve shared a little insight into what I made through the year, and today we reach the end of the journey, the circle is complete.

Each month I continued adding more single color doodles and collaged ephemera to the pages to this art journal, these are the closing pages.

If you missed the previous posts, you can catch up here: Starting out in  Yellow, then Yellow-Green, Green, Blue-Green, Blue and Blue-Violet, next Violet, then Red-Violet, Red then Red-Orange and finally Orange. Now we’ve arrived full circle! Yikes what a trip!! 

Wishing you a fabulously colorful new year! Much love to you X

If you’re interested in understanding more about color, get my ebook A Year full of Color as well as regular monthly updates on my latest colorful antics, delivered right to your inbox:


Your email is utterly safe to me. It will be guarded by the deity of your choice and a small dragon.

TWELVTY is adventure you can join too.

By exploring the color wheel and each of the 12 colors, I share my creative process plus a feast of resources about color I’ve collected for you.

You’ll learn about the history of how color has been used, not just by artists, but as part of different cultures around the world. You’ll discover the meanings linked to the colors, how there are connections through the ages and around the world.

There are even playlists of songs and music relating to each of the colors! (I said it was thorough, right?)

In 2018 I’m introducing a new element to TWELVTY – a shared creative project that we’ll work on together as we traverse the color wheel.

Find out more here

penngregoryTwelvty1200x574Registration for TWELVTY 2018 is open now!
Find out more & join here


bring me sunshine!

Beginning in my usual fashion: enthusiastic tearing and shredding of the scraps from which latest textile project will be made!

Early days, but it’s taking shape

Not sure yet if it’s going lampshade or window hanging/blind kinda thing, but what I do know is it needs to be backlit!

Y’see? Get those yellows glowing!!

More soon! 🙂

out of the sketchbook!

I’m so enjoying the page a day project, and the 12 in 12 (updates on that one soon) but it has meant that not so much art has been going on outside of the sketchbooks.

So I decided to venture out of my papery comfort zone and onto canvas. This is a first for me! It’s still a work in progress, but here’s how it’s starting out…

Being a deep canvas I want to incorporate the edges. With no particular plan I started out with acrylic glazes….

Starting out with collage bits the trial layouts begin then gluing commences!

Bit by bit…

More glaze to bring the bits together,

And some dyed scrim for a bit of texture

More paint, blending some of the raw edges together

More layers

More dyed scrim

And doodles in thread

I’ll post more as it develops, but so far I’m pleased with the way it’s coming together.

layers on overspill

Sunday 29 April: This page started out with some overspill remnants from previous inky fun – the golden orange magenta dyes.

It’s been a while since I played with watercolors and the blue forms are today’s addition.

I’m messing about with different techniques – this time using a water brush dipped directly into the tube of watercolor paint.

The wonderful rich turquoise is from the Koh-I-Noor dye paint

I love the magic of colors interacting!

Watery puddles take the pigments in their flow. As the water evaporates the trails are left.